Ebay listing problem

Blog • 21st Jul, 16


My Dear Subscribers,
Today my EBay posting was locked again. That was the second time in the last two days this happened. Yesterday they decided that the activity was too high and locked the account until further review. I reinstated the listing and my husband and I went for a trip to Chicago till Saturday. I revived questions from some of you and logged into my laptop to send responses. As soon as Ebay saw a different IP address through VPN they thought of suspicious activity and automatically locked my account again.
I am very disappointed because I do not business like that. Those of you who received dolls from me knows my desire to stay on top of my customer service. Every Ebay auction is a big event for me and for those of you who like my dolls, even for those of you who follow the posting without bidding. We all waited for this for a year. I sincerely disappointed that this happened for the reasons beyond my reach. I want every process to be perfect as my dolls. I never had any problems before but Ebay has a new security system that is not perfect yet. They never gave us a call, the system automatically locked the account. I am sorry for the technical problems with Ebay.
Now the account is reinstated and they promised me that everything will be flawless when I post a listing from my desktop computer in Pittsburgh from my IP address when I get back. I am coming back from Chicago to Pittsburgh this Saturday in two days and will relist the item for the third time for a shorter auction.
I hope you all understand. Thank you for continuous support.
Love, Rafael.

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