Bidoll EGO

Blog • 9th Oct, 16




Dear Friends! I would like to share with you all that I am working on a new project. I thought a long time if the idea of making a doll in resin is right. The market and the conditions I am facing showed me that it would be a right idea to create the doll in this material. The dolls I am working on in resin are going to be completely innovative nothing close to what I made before not in shape not in size. I already finished working on the upper body and you can see the result. I am very proud of the shoulder joints that look very esthetic and possess great moves. I understand that there are a lot of work to come. But I decided to write this message because I go on a trip and I will have limited access to Internet for 30 days. When I get home the doll is going to be almost ready. I will have 30 days of resting at work with no Internet but full of creativity. Wait for my return around November 20th and I will show you the master model.
Love you all, Rafael

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